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Let's REfind the direction of your life. Together.

Do you feel incomplete, blocked, demotivated, trapped and anxious about your life direction?

I guide you to find out the root cause of these feelings, using hypnosis. and patient-tailored psychotherapy methods that respond to your specific needs and your uniqueness. 

Hypnosis. Why do it?

There are times when life can begin to feel difficult. Countless obstacles, limiting fears, unrequited loves, losses, can all leave you feeling hopeless, and too broken to be helped. Your mind, dominated by a limiting, critical internal dialogue, becomes overwhelmed, foggy and unhappy.  


Hypnosis helps you to access and reprogram your subconscious mind to awaken your inner strength to overcome obstacles, leave behind the things that hurt you and break away from beliefs that limit you.

RTT Explained
One HYPNOSIS session can help you to GAIN

New Perspectives



Mental Clarity



What to expect

1. Relax

During the RTT session, I will help you enter a deep state of relaxation (trance) and access your subconscious mind.


2. Extract unhealthy beliefs

In this relaxed state, you will revisit moments from your life, guiding you to the root cause of your issues. This process will help us extract the unhealthy beliefs, that keeping you trapped in a negative mindset.


3. Understand and interpret

Under my guidance, you will understand and interpret the meaning of some subconscious beliefs, that no longer serve you.


4. Feel relief and clarity

Get clarity on why you experience your issues and get new perspectives for your life.


5. New, good habit

After the session, you will receive a personalised recording, that you must listen to for 21 days. This will rewire your subconscious mind, nurturing new good habits to complete the transformation.

"(...) I came to Dumi to improve my low self-esteem but I have gained so much more than that. She is so thorough, it is clear how much she cares about her clients and the belief she has in the therapy. (...) I can feel myself resonating more every day with the confident, brave and abundant individual she describes."

—  Iona, 23, UK

Shall we talk?

I am Dumitrina Galantonu (Dumi), Certified RTT Practitioner, here to help you find what is limiting your life purpose. 

My Qualifications
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Licensed RTT Profesional

I guide you to find out the root cause of what blocks you in life.


Certified in NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming and CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

I seamlessly combine multiple tools for the best results.


M.A. in Theories and Practices of Interpretation 

I find the right meaning to the beliefs that no longer serve you.


B.A. in Philosophy 

I ask the right questions and see the big picture.


7 years of academic research on human values 

I understand human Psychology.

RTT session package 

Introductory Consultation - 30 min

RTT session – 2 hours

Interpretation and next steps session - 1 hour

Custom-created transformational hypnosis recording - 15 min

After 30 days follow-up session – 30 min


Note: Single sessions are also possible. We will decide what would suit you best on the introductory call.



RTT® is endorsed by the National and International Council of Psychotherapists, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the International Association of Complementary Therapists, plus the International Institute of Complementary Therapies.

Contact me
Book a consultation 

Thank you, I will be in touch soon.

"There are no resistant clients, only insufficiently flexible therapists."
- Milton Erickson
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Barcelona, Spain

©2020 by Therapy with Dumi. All rights reserved.

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